Saturday, May 26, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
Sunday, April 15, 2007

Friday, April 06, 2007

Levi arrived two days ago (Wednesday) at around 2:30pm after an interesting trip. His plane was delayed for 8 hours in L.A. Bad enough but it was made far worse by the fact that he sat on the plane for the entire 8 hours on the tarmac with no aircon, no food, nothing. The stewardness was kind enough to lend him her mobile and he was able to ring me twice and let me know what was up.
I immediately rang Air NZ to change his connecting flight only to be told because I booked his flight on a supersaver plan that I had broken the rules!! What freakin' rule??? News to me...anywho is seems that you can only book those particular flights if you are an NZ resident (that is living in NZ not related to citizenship). Vince who has worked for the commerce commission says that is dodgy as hell, you can have one rule for some people (NZ'ers) and then another rule for others (as this is related to cost and is suss to charge two different prices). The upshot was they weren't going to honour his flight due to my rule breaking. I was going to have to pay 200 extra to get him on the 1:30pm flight. I kept the woman on the phone for an hour and a half and whittled her down to $75.00. I acknowledged that I had made a mistake but that under NZ laws and regs they have to be VERY clear with their regulations and rules around certain tickets.
Levi was very happy to see me at the airport and he and Vince have been getting along famously. Hard not to get along with Vince, as Levi says he's so calm about everything and he is. I've been feeding him up and giving him vitamins and he's enjoying himself. He was telling me how his Grandma got up every morning to make him breakfast. Vince and I had to talk him out of running around looking for work the first whole day he was here. Number one he's zonked, he still looks a bit pale and black under his eyes (jet lag). He had a four hour nap yesterday afternoon AND its the Easter weekend. Nothing is going to move until Tuesday.
He and the boys are helping Vince fix up the sleepout/flat so he can move in there ASAP. Its wonderful to have him here and wonderful to see him.

Carterton 150 Year Celebration - Kick-Off Parade
Carterton turns 150 this year and the celebrations have begun with this parade. It was quite large, lots of floats, old cars and lorry's and a lot of animals in the parade as well.
Best of all it kicked off directly across the street from the end of our driveway so we sat in our chairs on the front veranda, drank coffee and watched them, it was great :)

This is a girls marching band...Vince and Alexandar were at pains to explain to me that girls who participate in marching bands in NZ suffer from the stigma of a 'certain' reputation...I was a bit sceptical that being in a marching band automatically renders them all easy bogans... :) (bogan = Redneck)
Saturday, March 17, 2007

Just took this picture about 10 minutes ago. This is Vince obviously, starting to get the sleepout ready to plaster. We are doing it up for when Levi comes as this will be his living area. I'm happy to report Levi that's its very warm out there. I walked into the sleepout on a windy cool day and it was quite warm and nice. I will be supplying some kind of heating device as it gets damn cold in the winter but you can't run it all day and night as it will cost a bundle!
A man who fixes things!!!! :) I'm going to help with what I can....(that should be interesting :) )

Thursday, March 15, 2007

I just took these photos about 10 minutes ago. The balloon festival is on in the Wairarapa, it started early this morning with balloons from all over NZ, North America, Australia, you name it. It is very calm weather wise in the Wairarapa, unlike Wellington which is always windy so its ideal for the festival. We will have to see though, its cooled down considerably here and we had some wild weather the last day or so. I have the heat on in my kitchen, I brought my gas heater in from the garage to warm the front of the house.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Vince and I went to the Bic and Boh Runga concert on March 3rd at the Alana Hills Winery. It was EXCELLENT! Sitting outside in the hot sun, drinking the wineries sauv blanc and listening to some amazing music with everyone very relaxed and chilled out is one of the best things to do on a Saturday afternoon!

Boh Runga going for a stroll after her set. It was the last concert in the winery tour for Bic and Boh and it was very relaxed and casual. They are extremely talented and very popular in the States. Bic had a song featured in the first American Pie movie which was extremely popular. Bic and Boh perform solo and as part of a their band Stella. Highly recommended.