This is an artwork done by my favourite artist in the world...Lin Onus. General news...I got the job I applied for. As of May the 11th I am the statutory relationships manager for the Electoral Commission. Its a half time position, so the money is less than what I am on now but it also means much less stress and a much better quality of life generally. I want to publish my 'fud' which I can't do working all the hours god sends in the stress factory that is my current work place. I also, once the PhD is fully edited for publication start the research for my second book, which I can't do under current conditions either. So its all good, and Vince is totally copacetic with this plan as well. I've also been thinking about how I want to spend my life, my time and my intellectual energy, and working where I am now does not even register on the radar in that equation.
Levi's had a couple of bumps settling in but its smoothing out now. Mostly just jet lag and a bit of culture shock, nothing big or stressing. I think having to support himself the last two years, almost three really, has been stressful for him and he's enjoying just being a kid again for a bit. Vince and I aren't in a hurry for rent, he can come and go as he pleases, just a few simple house rules, nothing complicated and he gets on very well with Vince, Alexandar and Ben. He still likes to come flop and watch TV with me and have a yack and a back scratch so its all good. I'm very very glad to see him.
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