Pic: Vince helping me do the ritual PhD draft burning...it was fun :)
Apologies for the long time between updates.
We have been crazily packing and moving for ages. We are in our new house!! We moved on Friday November 3rd and its GREAT. A couple of small things though, this house was build for TALL people so I feel somewhat Lilliputian in relation to the kitchen cupboards.
The second issue is that I, MEH declare myself to be a hoarder. OMG I have SO much SHIT!! Where in the hell did it all come from??? Its like that episode of the original Star Trek, "The Trouble with Tribbles", you buy something cute in the shops and all of a sudden you have 5000 similiar items and you have to move them all. I am getting quite severe and am biffing alot of stuff. Vince could not believe I got 6 large packing boxes out of our bedroom in Bell Road. I have a book entitled "Clear Your Clutter" The Feng Shui of Clearing Your Life" that I think I'd better memorise. Once I post this I will be heading out to the shed to go begin going through my 20 remaining boxes of RUBBISH. I am having a garage sale in two weeks and giving alot of stuff to the Salvos. As Vince said we could be quite happy with what we have in the house now, the rest of the stuff can just go. Except for pictures etc I think he's right. Ok must go to work, have to go back to *paid* work tomorrow...will put pics up online tonight before bed :)
Ok, I am waiting for the pics online!! hehehe...
Aside from being dark and Mark is blonde, they are AMAZINGLY similar in body shape and the way they carry themselves...I had to look twice at the pic of Vince by the fire...Mark too is a pyro! hehe
Frightening eh? But I don't remember Mark being 6'4 :P
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