Vince very nicely offered to buy a gas BBQ, you can see by the resulting appliance on my patio that I resisted mightly!
Any fool can turn on a spigot, pour out noxious gas and throw dead animals on a grill! But this my friends, this last bastion of archaic BBQing, from a time when everyone knew what a briquette was, takes REAL skill and determination.
First of all the sucker briquettes wouldn't light...that was the first time we tried to BBQ. We abandoned it (oh how embarrassing a Canadian who can't light what the Aussies call "heat beads") and I cooked dinner in the pan, it was after 9 at this point and Vince's forehead veins were popping out all the time he was continuing to maintain a level tone of voice... :)
This time we prepared by buying a block of untreated kindling and we made a layer of wood and briquettes and wood and briquettes...it worked a charm and the marinated lamb (recipe under this post) was excellent. This is truly a BBQ dinner!
I was thinking of my dad while I was cooking...and all the effort he put in to make us steaks on the BBQ and we had a pool in the backyard. It was pretty sweet as Jake and Sime would say getting out of the pool on a nice summer evening and having steak and baked potatoes and Mum's pie for dessert, with salad on the patio. I didn't appreciate it then but I do now...THANKS DAD! Those are good memories... :)
If Vince didn't think I was strange before he does know as I was wandering around clacking my tongs and talking about 'subverting the dominant social construct of BBQ-ing" by refusing to give in to the siren call of gas with a side hotplate... :) Oh Vince says I must add this was all going on while I was dressed in my mauve flannel pajamas with little black hearts on them...hmmm wonder what the neighbors think!!! :P
This is the ONLY way to grill...we too do this...people who use a gas grill to bbq should be taken out back and SHOT! hehe
Dad: I looked for lighter fluid, Vince looked for some and we couldn't find any!!!
We had to resort to untreated kindling and a dash of highly flammable hairspray! No wonder the bottle warns not smoke while spraying your hair!
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