Sunday, February 25, 2007

Here they are...isn't Horse HUGE. He comes up to Vince's waist and is very goodnatured. He's just a lovely dog. Katie is a little petit girl and is also very goodnatured and affectionate.
No problems getting them home in the car. Quite the contrary, Katie LOVES the car, had her head out the window for almost the whole trip and for the rest of it was quite happy curled up on the pads we had on the back folded down seats. Lots of room for the both of them that way but noone else.
They slept on their pads in the kitchen last night, no poos or wee's issues at all. Which is amazing as its a bit stressful on them in a new environment and not knowing us at all. The only small thing that has happened has been they've been a bit snarly with one another on the odd occastion, but that is also settling in issues and I think it has to do with working out where they fit in the pack. They hung around together at the kennel alot and get along well, very well in fact but to be on the safe side we will muzzle them when we go to work tomorrow. Greyhounds have very thin skin and what would be nothing to a labrador (small tussle) can tear the greyhounds skin and cause problems and visits to the vet. This will all settle down as they get used to everything and more comfortable.
Contrary to popular opinion (my dad :) ) they aren't having the run of the house. Dog food only, no hand feeding, and they are being taught really quickly whose in charge which is Vince and I. Being such big dogs you have to be pretty consistent with this stuff.
Labels: Doggies
Monday, February 19, 2007

These are our new doggies. The first one is "Horse" (may have to change that, he's as big as one though) and the little brindle dog is Katie. Aren't they BEAUTIFUL. They are pure-bred ex racing greyhounds. They are very good friends and they will make an extremely nice addition to the family :) We pick them up next Saturday morning! Can't wait :) The dogs are from the Greyounds as Pets society. They rescue greyhounds that are finished their racing careers (usually at the age of 3 or 4 or earlier if they are too big (like Horse) or injured or just slower than they should be).
If you are considering a dog for your family PLEASE consider an ex racing greyhound. They are the nicest dogs. Lovely and calm and very good natured as well as affectionate, you should have seen Horse with Vince. They are also incredibly smart and house train very quickly. They don't dig, or shed lots and haven't a vicious bone in their bodies. There are greyhound rescue societies in the US and Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Europe. Vince was joking yesterday that we are never going to be rich what with the dogs, child support and the rest of it but its much better to invest in your life I think. Greyhounds are routinely put down once their racing careers are finished, vets charge around 50 dollars per dog and some are simply hit in the head with a shovel or similiar by the racing breeders, which is a truly awful thing to do to any animal but particularly one as sensitive and loyal as these dogs. A greyhound can live past 15 and to put such a wonderful little being like this one down at 3 is truly cruel and inhumane. As is racing them.
Labels: New Puppies
Sunday, February 18, 2007

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Vince and I wandered around and looked at everything. I liked the home art section and the alpacas and chooks in particular. It was a really nice way to spend a day.

My friend Shona came for a visit one weekend and we all went to Masterton and Queen Elizabeth Park for coffee, cake and hot chips (fries you North American's). Shona's great, I met her at work and she is probably one of the nicest, most practical and kind people you will ever meet. She has great advice and is a really good person to have a yarn with. I don't think we drove her too crazy. :)

Labels: Wings Over Wairarapa

Labels: Flying Boat

One of the Harvard airplanes at the show. They put on a really good demonstration. The funniest bits were the staged fighting scenes. They had very loud guns and a 105mm Howitzer there (blanks of course) but it was deafening! All of the guys in camo who were playing parts looked beside themselves with excitement...boys will be boys and all that.
Labels: Harvards