Thursday Night...am at home sitting in front of the fire with a cat who is very pleased to see me.
This was the sky on my way to Vince's last weekend, it was beautiful. We spent Sunday on the Kapiti coast..(pictures above).
The weather has been much nicer the last few days but apparently it is going to be crap for the weekend. Vince coaches soccer and his boys play it and there has been no games for a while, probably a month. The grounds are like bogs they are so wet and if you played on them you'd ruin the grass and councils don't want that. Kind of defeats the purpose though eh? Soccer is a 'winter' sport here.
We've sorted our living arrangements, Vince is moving in the end of August (am v.excited). It will be really nice to come home from work together and just hang out talking and making dinner...and doing "other" things :) (YES to my daughter who reads this you still do 'other' things at 40...{Jess recently told me I was "too old"...groan...against my dad slipping up and calling me a "young woman" the other day...actually I am} ).
What is it with pictures of me? I take the most godawful pictures. Do you guys (guys being my family) remember that picture of Ev in her passport when she had long hair? She had no makeup on and she looked crabby and the picture was horrible, and the customs guy started laughing at the picture. Well, my passport is actually fricking worse. And I take horrible pics generally...so frustrating, I look like a pumpkin head on top of a potato. I HATE it. And I am NOT putting myself down, friends who have leapt to my defense have then been commandeered into taking digitals of me and have said...."oh my god...that doesn't look like you at ALL"...Rob...which is truthful. I will have to learn some tricks to alleviate this problem. If anyone knows how to take good pictures of people, like angles and stuff LET ME KNOW.
Right, all is normal...work is the usual bore, but everything else is great. Liese and Matthew just walked in so I should go and be social...will post a couple more pics.
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